041 456 262 prodaja@lepzob.si

Dodatna Megagen izobraževanja

Dr. Cristian Dinu, MD, DMD, MSc, PhD

Dr. Cristian Dinu, MD, DMD, MSc, PhD

Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Programme Director

Teaching and sharing up-to-date knowledge in the field of modern oral implantology.

Dinu & Associates Implant Academy was created with the aim of teaching and sharing up-to-date knowledge in the field of modern oral implantology.

The course facility is situated in the dental clinic so the participants will be able to take turns for the live-op sessions and also to give them the opportunity to bring and treat their own patients in the last module.



Prof. Tomas Linkevičius

Prof. Tomas Linkevičius

ZBLC Immediate MasterClass

prof. Tomas Linkevicius  je ravno  uvedel tako imenovano Immediate implant MasterClass course, ki je dosegljiva tukaj.